Published:2009/06/24  Last Updated:2009/07/01

Movable Type access restriction bypass vulnerability


Movable Type contains an access restriction bypass vulnerability.

Products Affected

  • Movable Type 4.25 Enterprise and earlier
  • Movable Type 4.25 (includes Professional and Community Packs) and earlier
  • Movable Type Commercial 4.25 (includes Professional Pack) and earlier
  • Movable Type 4.25 (Open Source) and earlier


Movable Type, a web log system from Six Apart KK, contains a vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to bypass access restrictions.


A remote attacker may send unsolicited email to arbitrary addresses or view information stored in Movable Type.


Update the Software
Update to the latest version according to the information provided by the developer.

Vendor Status

Vendor Status Last Update Vendor Notes
Six Apart KK Vulnerable 2009/06/24


JPCERT/CC Addendum

Vulnerability Analysis by JPCERT/CC

Analyzed on 2009.06.24

Measures Conditions Severity
Access Required Routed - can be attacked over the Internet using packets
  • High
Authentication None - anonymous or no authentication (IP addresses do not count)
  • High
User Interaction Required None - the vulnerability can be exploited without an honest user taking any action
  • High
Exploit Complexity Low - little to no expertise and/or luck required to exploit (cross-site scripting)
  • High

Description of each analysis measures

A successful attack requires mt-wizard.cgi not to be deleted after initial setup. For more information, refer to the developer's website.


Masashi Shiraishi reported this vulnerability to IPA.
JPCERT/CC coordinated with the developer under Information Security Early Warning Partnership.

Other Information

JPCERT Reports
CERT Advisory
CPNI Advisory
CVE CVE-2009-2481
JVN iPedia JVNDB-2009-000043

Update History