Published:2013/02/15  Last Updated:2013/02/15

3DM (3ware Disk Manager) vulnerable to directory traversal


3DM (3ware Disk Manager) contains a directory traversal vulnerability.

Products Affected

  • 3DM
Note that 3DM2 (3ware Disk Manager 2) that is the successor to 3DM is not affected by this vulnerability.


3DM provided by LSI is a software to manage a RAID controller. 3DM contains a directory traversal vulnerability.


A remote attacker may obtain arbitrary files.


Use 3DM2
The developer states that the development of 3DM is discontinued and there are no plans for 3DM to be modified.
Use 3DM2 that is the successor to 3DM.

For more information, refer to the information provided by the developer.

Vendor Status

Vendor Status Last Update Vendor Notes
LSI Japan Vulnerable 2013/02/15


JPCERT/CC Addendum

Vulnerability Analysis by JPCERT/CC

Analyzed on 2013.02.15

Measures Conditions Severity
Access Required can be attacked over the Internet using packets
  • High
Authentication anonymous or no authentication (IP addresses do not count)
  • High
User Interaction Required the vulnerability can be exploited without an honest user taking any action
  • High
Exploit Complexity little to no expertise and/or luck required to exploit (cross-side scripting).Expected to be the common response
  • High

Description of each analysis measures


yamaguchi tsuyoshi of reported this vulnerability to IPA.
JPCERT/CC coordinated with the developer under Information Security Early Warning Partnership.

Other Information

JPCERT Reports
CERT Advisory
CPNI Advisory
CVE CVE-2013-0705
JVN iPedia JVNDB-2013-000011